Thursday, 6 June 2013

Club Penguin Times Issue #398

Hello penguins, Today a new issue of the Club Penguin Times was released...

This week's feature story is about the scare games being announced. It says...

Scare Games Announced!
Prepare your best scare!
By Aunt Arctic - Breaking news! The first ever Scare Games comes to the island this month! All penguins are invited to compete! What are the Scare Game you ask?
 Want to Read More of this Feature Story? Look Below.
The Club Penguin Times asked a source, who prefers to remain anonymous, for some preliminary details. Here's what we learned: "The Greek Council's planning a MONSTROUS competition. There's gonna be super frightening, fur raising challenges for four rival teams." "Oooooh ya! We're building an epic place for it." "And I've seen a few items-they'll totally help scarers make the most of their ROARS! Be there or be scared!" Stay tuned, we'll have more information as the games get closer. It all starts June 27! So get practicing your growls, roars, and ferocious faces!
This week's Support Story is about elemental balance. It says...

Elements Balanced
A ninja must always be prepared.
By a Ninja - Fire, Water, and Snow are back in balance! Brave ninjas are journeying through the stormy summit above the Dojo to master Snow. Many minions have been defeated, but the towering threat of Tusk still remains! "Students, you must continue your training," Sensei explained, "Time spent training today, will prepare you for what tomorrow brings." "We must always be ready. For there are always new challenged to face." Citizens on the island are relieved they were able to weather the storm. Ninjas are encourage to push forward on their elemental path at the Dojo.
This week's Upcoming Events are...

On now! Underwater Adventure - Don't forget your snorkel! Get washed away with the month's production at the Stage!

On now! Penguin Style - Fabulous fashions for the fiercely free spirit! Now at the Clothes Shop.

On now! Postcards - Make new friends! Send a Postcard today!

June 13 Furniture Catalog - Create your scary school with the latest furniture.

Find the collectible pin! Hidden now until June 12. Next pin hidden: June 13-26

What do you think of this issue of the Club Penguin Times? What was your favorite part this issue's Club Penguin Times? Did anything catch your eye? Share us your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

~Boba 126


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