Saturday, 9 November 2013

Club Penguin: Game Guides: Aqua Grabber

Let's learn about the Club Penguin Game, Aqua Grabber...
Hello penguins! In this post I'll be teaching you about Aqua Grabber, a Club Penguin Game...

Club Penguin: Game Guides: Aqua Grabber

Where can I play Aqua Grabber?
In this section of the post, I will teach you where you can play Aqua Grabber. Aqua Grabber is a Club Penguin Game which is located at the Iceberg...

Club Penguin: Game Guides: Aqua Grabber play Aqua Grabber, all you have to do is click on the Aqua Grabber sub (which is located by the top-right hand corner of the Iceberg.

How to Play Aqua Grabber
In this section of the post, I will teach you how to play Aqua Grabber. Let's have a look at the instructions for Aqua Grabber...

Club Penguin: Game Guides: Aqua Grabber
Move with arrow keys.
Control claw with spacebar.

Pick up treasure and carry it back to the net, to deliver it back to town.
Sub runs off air, look for bubble to fuel up!
To summarise, to move the Aqua Grabber sub just use the arrow keys, and you can use the spacebar to control the claw. Collect treasure by using the claw, and carry the treasure collected by the claw back to net by the surface of the sea. Finally, get air from bubbles to keep the Aqua Grabber sub running.

To start playing the Club Penguin Game, Aqua Grabber, click on the "Start Game" button.

Tips for playing Aqua Grabber
In this section of the post, I will give you a few tips on playing Aqua Grabber. Here they are...
  • Make sure to take your time as there's isn't a time limit in this game.
  • Focus on steering your Aqua Grabber sub as it can help you to get the treasure.
  • Time your claw carefully to get the treasure.
  • Make sure you're never too far away from bubbles or other places where you can get air.
My View
I like the game of Aqua Grabber as it allows penguins to explore the seas near Club Penguin. I also like the idea of searching for treasure using the Aqua Grabber sub in the deep seas near Club Penguin.

Your Say
Now it's time for your say! What do you think of the Club Penguin Game Aqua Grabber? What is your highest score in Aqua Grabber? Share us your thoughts by leaving a comment below.
~Boba 126


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