Monday 25 November 2013

Club Penguin: In Focus: Ski Lodge

Let's Focus on the Ski Lodge in Club Penguin...
Hello penguins! It's time for a new Club Penguin: In Focus. This week's In Focus is about the Ski Lodge in Club Penguin...

Club Penguin: In Focus: Ski Lodge

...The Ski Lodge has been around in Club Penguin ever since 2005. The room is a great place for penguins to hang out after playing a few rounds of Sled Racing. The Ski Lodge is also one of the only rooms in Club Penguin to keep its original design, which is probably who most penguins on the island love to visit this room - to remind them of old Club Penguin. In this room, penguins can also play Ice Fishing by click on the green door. Penguins can also play Find Four by clicking on any of the Find Four tables. Penguins can also see some of Club Penguin's natural animals like the moose and mullet hanging from the walls of the Ski Lodge. The Ski Village and the Lodge Attic can also be accessed from this room. Without the Ski Lodge, there wouldn't be a cozy place for penguins to go when they get too cold!

My View
I like how the Ski Lodge looks very cozy and attracts penguins to it! I also like how you can play a game of Find Four with other penguins in the Ski Lodge.

Your Say
Now it's time for your say! What do you think of the Ski Lodge in Club Penguin? Have you ever had a nice memory at the Ski Lodge? Share us your thoughts by leaving a comment below.
~Boba 126

1 comment:

  1. It is a very old room,but penguins enjoy remebering the OLD CLUB PENGUIN so I enjoy still having the Ski Lodge in original design
