Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Club Penguin Characters - Klutzy

Let's find out more about Herbert's Sidekick Crab, Klutzy...
Hello penguins! In this post, you'll find out more about Herbert's Sidekick Crab - Klutzy, like his history and his personality. Let's find out more about Klutzy...

Club Penguin Characters - Klutzy

Who is Klutzy?
Klutzy is a well known crab in Club Penguin, and is the sidekick of the villain, Herbert P. Bear. In fact, Klutzy was the one who saved Herbert from drowning, when he first made his way to the island. Klutzy has made countless appearances with Herbert in EPF missions and some levels of the game "System Defender". Klutzy first made his appearance in Club Penguin in the PSA mission "Secret of the Fur", in which he is captured by the PSA and interviewed by Gary in the next PSA mission called "Questions for a Crab". After that, Klutzy made an appearance in every PSA mission, even the last PSA mission "Veggie Villain" in which he is playing a video game and assisting Herbert. As well as the PSA missions, Klutzy has made appearances in EPF missions such as Operation Blackout, in which he helps Herbert to takeover the island. One of the only times in which Klutzy isn't with Herbert is during the Star Wars Takeover as Herbert is acting as Darth Herbert. I'll be talking about Klutzy's personality later on this post...

Can we meet Klutzy?
Unfortunately, penguins cannot meet Klutzy in Club Penguin. However, penguins can unofficially meet Klutzy during PSA missions, EPF missions and some levels of System Defender. Hopefully in the future, Klutzy will be able to be met and will have his very own giveaway background.

The Personality of Klutzy
In this part of the post, I'll like you to find out more about the personality of Klutzy, so that you'll understand his character a bit more...

Club Penguin Characters - Klutzy - Personality

Some penguins may be questioning Klutzy's actual personality,  Klutzy seems to have to sides to him. The first side to Klutzy is being evil, which he has shown by assisting Herbert in his many evil plans to takeover or destroy Club Penguin. In assisting Herbert, it shows that he may agree with Herbert's views about Club Penguin. However, the other side to Klutzy is that he's kind and compassionate. We've already learned that Klutzy is kind, as Klutzy saved Herbert from drowning, which shows that he isn't afraid to help somebody out. A recent example of Klutzy being kind and compassionate is when Herbert got dragged away be many puffles after his failure of yet another one of his plans for Operation: Puffle, since then, Klutzy has been determined to find Herbert in the wilderness in Club Penguin, which shows he can't leave Herbert's side. We can also see that Klutzy's kindness is very strong, as many times, Klutzy has been the blame for the failure of Herbert's plan, which has made Herbert quite angry at him. Questions about Klutzy's personality have still be left unanswered: Is Klutzy's kindness being used for the wrong reasons? and why? I'm certain that we'll find out more about Klutzy's personality when Herbert strikes again.

My View
I like how the character of Klutzy is seen as evil and kind, which is a weird range of personality. I wonder if Klutzy will ever separate from Herbert. I would like Klutzy to be able to be met in Club Penguin as it would be interesting to meet a crab instead of penguins like Gary and Cadence.

Your Say
Now it's time for your say! What do you think about Klutzy? Have you learned more about Klutzy from this section? Do you have any improvements for this section? Select your reaction of this post below and share us your thoughts by leaving a comment below.
~Boba 126


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