Saturday 3 November 2012

EPF Operation Blackout Trailer (Video)

Hello Penguins, Today Polo Field posted a trailer for the upcoming event, Operation Blackout. Here is what it says...
Hello Agents!

Polo Field here. As I'm sure you've heard by now, the big event of November is a new Elite Penguin Force experience called "Operation Blackout"... It's going to be EPIC, and I can't wait to hear what you think of it!

By now some of you may have heard about Herbert's plan to capture Gary the Gadget Guy. It looks like Herbert's been building a secret base, and is planning to capture the top agents of the Elite Penguin Force. Check it out:

We'll need every Elite Agent's help to stop Herbert. It's time to start recruiting more agents to help stop this villain!

Agent Polo... Over and out!

-Club Penguin Team

...Thanks Polo Field! Herbert!? How could you kidnap Gary and take him as hostage? Also, in the video above, I saw some notable things...

At 6 seconds in, we can see Gary being kidnapped.

At 8 seconds in, we can see the Everyday Phoning Facility being destroyed.

At 18 seconds in, we can see the 3 EPF Agents scaling Herbert's Base.

 At 25 seconds in, we can see that Gary is being kept in a glass container.

At 27 seconds in, we can see Herbert's Laser Contraption.

Operation Blackout - Nov. 15-Dec. 4

Operation Blackout looks great! From what I can see from the trailer above, I can suggest that Operation Blackout will be awesome! What do you think of the trailer above? Share us your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

~Boba 126


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