Monday 23 December 2013

Club Penguin: In Focus: Happy Holidays

Let's Focus on the holidays in Club Penguin...
Hello penguins! As the the holidays are almost among us, it's time for a new "Club Penguin: In Focus". This week's "In Focus" is about the holidays in Club Penguin...

Club Penguin: In Focus: Happy Holidays the moment in Club Penguin, we're currently going through the 9th Holiday Party. So let's go through the years of Holiday Parties in Club Penguin. The first ever Holiday Party was in 2005, and known as the Christmas Party 2005. There were barely many decorations across the island, and there were two free items: the Christmas Scarf and the Santa Hat. The Holiday Party was in 2006, and was called the Christmas Party 2006. There was a blizzard, which caused snow to cover most of Club Penguin's most famous buildings, there were also two free items: the Santa Beard and Santa Hat. The next Holiday Party was in 2007, and was called the Christmas Party 2007. There was a giant Christmas tree in the Ski Lodge, and the first ever Coins For Change was on the island, there were also four free items: Santa Hat, Reindeer Antlers, Christmas Scarf and Bell. The next Holiday Party was in 2008, and was the last party to be called "The Christmas Party". Rockhopper made his first ever appearance and was docked at the Dock, penguins could also make toys at the Dance Lounge. There were also three free items: the Santa Hat, the Santa Beard and the Bell. The next Holiday Party was in 2009, and was the first party to be called "The Holiday Party". Penguins could deliver presents to penguins using the Sleigh Ride on the Night Club Rooftop. There were also three free items: the Santa Hat, the Santa Suit and penguins could send the Candy Cane Hat to their buddies using the Penguin Mail. The next Holiday Party was in 2010, which was called the Holiday Party 2010. Penguins could meet Santa at the Book Room and fill the Lighthouse for Coins for Change. There were four free items: the Reindeer Antlers, Globe Hat, Holiday Toque and Santa's Present Bag. The next Holiday Party was in 2011, which was called the Holiday Party 2011. Penguins could bake cookies for Coins For Change in the Bakery which was located next to the Dance Lounge. A bunch of free items could be collected from the Sleigh Ride at the Night Club Rooftop and the advent calendar in the Forest. The next Holiday Party was in 2012, which was called the Holiday Party 2012. Penguins could transform into a Frost Bite, a Race Car and a Reindeer Puffle. A bunch of free items could be collected by logging on each day. Now to the present day, we are are currently enjoying the Holiday Party 2013. Members can conduct trains to donate coins for Coins For Change at the Coins For Change Train Station, which is located at the Snow Forts (as pictured above).

My View
I like how Club Penguin celebrates the holidays by putting on the Holiday Party! The holidays in Club Penguin really get me in the mood for the holidays! I also like how penguins donate so much coins to Coins For Change each year! 

Your Say
Now it's time for your say! What do you think of the holidays in Club Penguin? What are the holidays like in Club Penguin? Share us your thoughts by leaving a comment below.
~Boba 126


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