Thursday, 6 December 2012

New Club Penguin Holiday Party Homepage

Hello Penguins, Today Club Penguin updated their homepage with a brand new look and also a festive look for the upcoming Holiday Party, here is what it looks like... we can see from the homepage above, there is a festive scene with loads of hints of the Holiday Party 2012. We can also see many penguins supporting Coins for Change and a familiar Coins for Change donation station. But, In a flash, this homepage turns into a icy scene, here is what it looks like... we can see from the homepage above, there is an icy scene with loads of festivities. We can also see a  Frost Bite from the Log Out Screen and what seems to look like a Reindeer Puffle. I also love the pile of present in the background, Will the Advent Calendar in the Forest return this year? Only time will tell. If we click on the number 2 button on the bottom of the slider. Some information about what members can do for the Holiday Party 2012, here is what it looks like... we can see from the homepage above, there is another icy scene. In the background we can see a sleigh being pulled by reindeer puffles in the sky. We can also see the tagline "Members Can Freeze Friends!" this probably confirms the fact that members will have the ability to freeze their buddies. If we click on the number 3 button on the bottom of the slider. Some information about what members can do for the Holiday Party 2012, here is what it looks like... we can see from the homepage above, there is another icy scene. We can see two reeindeer puflles, one of them is also expressing how cold they are by using the "I'm Freezing!" emote. We can also see the tagline "Members Can Be Reindeer Puffles!" this also confirm the fact that members can transform into reindeer puffles, yet again! What do you think of the Club Penguin Holiday Party Homepage? Share us your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

~Boba 126


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