Friday, 21 December 2012

An Interview with Polo Field

Hello Penguins! Today I had the pleasure to interview Club Penguin Team member, Polo Field about his experience of working at Club Penguin...

When did you join Club Penguin?


What's your favorite thing about working at Club Penguin?

The Team!!! We work with so many creative people, and it's always interesting.

What is your specialty? (Videos, Blog Poster)

I do a little bit of everything, but I'm probably best at blogging and giving creative direction. I want to inspire people I work with to be even more amazing.

Who is your favorite Club Penguin Character?

Probably Sensei. He's awesome.

Do you have any friendships with your colleagues?

Totally! It's way more fun to work with friends. Why not make friends at work, right?

Thanks Polo Field for answering my questions! I have learnt much about the working experience at Club Penguin. It's also nice to know that Polo Field's favorite Club Penguin Character is Sensei, this gives me an idea of Polo Field's personality. Keep you eyes peeled because the information from the interview above will be adapted into a section on this blog, in 2013. What have you learnt about Polo Field from the interview above? Which Club Penguin Team member should we interview next? Share us your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

~Boba 126

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